The Corrosion Chronicle: Bellows

Need Your Bellows to Last Longer for More Reliable Service?

Tantaline® treatment is a unique solution that can extend the life of metal bellows in a wide range of aggressive chemical environments. Bellows compensate for misalignment, vibration, and thermal expansion of rigid piping, valve, and vacuum seals. Tantalum is recognized as the most corrosion resistant metal available for industrial use. Tantalum applied by the proprietary Tantaline® treatment process provides superior corrosion resistance for extended service life and reduced maintenance in a wide range of industrial processes and applications.

Tantaline® Treated Bellows

Tantaline® Treated OEM Parts: Bellows

At Tantaline CVD we link up with leading OEMs and fabricators to supply us with standard stainless steel base parts. These base applications are then converted into the most corrosion resistant products commercially available.

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What is the Corrosion Performance of Tantaline® in Various Acids?

The corrosion rate of Tantaline® in sulfuric acid is negligible in any concentration from 0% to 99% up to a temperature of at least 150°C. At temperatures above 150°C, the corrosion rate of Tantaline® needs to be considered, but the corrosion rate of Tantaline® in high temperature sulfuric acid is magnitudes lower than the corrosion rates of Hastelloy®*, titanium and zirconium. Tantaline® has been applied successfully for more than 15 years in critical customer applications.

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